Wee Giant Theatre
Bringing a Carnival Atmosphere to Festivals and Events
Festival goers love the fabulous Wee Giant Theatre puppets. Workshops with giant puppets, art, and mask-making inspire youth to develop life skills and talents in a creative, earth friendly, fun, festive, carnival atmosphere.
Specialists in large outdoor events, Wee Giant Theatre is a company dedicated to offering creative alternatives to youth. Its vision is to assist in building healthy and vibrant community through enlivening already established and new festivals and community events.
Above photo by Marke L. Slipp: Wee Giant Theatre at the Deep Roots Music Festival Parade in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, joined by the drumming band Squid.
Giant Theatre recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia through
the Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage. We are pleased to work
in partnership with the Culture Division to develop and promote our cultural
resources for all Nova Scotians.