Wee Giant Theatre

Add a carnival atmosphere to any festivity using beautiful larger-than-life characters and giant puppets!

Wee Giant

902 624-0951


Website by HolmPage

giant puppet in parade
Photo by James McMahon

The Funky Jazz Guy

Like the pied piper, giant puppets lead the people of Halifax to a family dance.

The Funky Jazz Guy has many pseudonyms. He was first created to represent Prospero in Shakespeare’s Tempest. He also plays the Poor Old Man who sleeps in a park because he has no home, and lives off the things he finds. He soon will incarnate into a pirate.

Painted by children ages 6-8 in a workshop led by Monika Wildemann at the Ross Creek Centre for the Arts. The giant saxophone created from recycled Styrofoam and papermache was recently given a shiny new paint job at South Shore Waldorf School's Summer Arts Program.

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